5 Ways To Help a Small Business in Recession — Ontology Of Value

Natalia Bielczyk, PhD
5 min readAug 2, 2022


How To Help a Small Business In 5 Easy and Cashless Ways?

We are clearly on the edge of recession. Small businesses will probably get hit by this recession even more than large companies. Small entrepreneurs will need to go through harder times than most employees. Do you have a friend or a family member with a small business? Would you like to help them — but without spending your own funds or investing too much of your own time? How to effectively help a small business in general?

Well, the good news is: there are many simple ways to support your friends! We live in a world where online presence and public relations often decide about the life or death of a business. And the fact that you are reading this text, means that you are probably active online.

In this brief article, we will list five ways in which you can support any business from the comfort of your own home, and without sending any cash.

1. Link The Company Page or Any of Its Subpages.

Search Engine Optimization (also known as SEO) works in a way that Google bots will upvote websites with lots of inbound links coming from reputable pages as they will be seen as more trusted and respected than others.

At the end of the day, bots are too stupid to know what people really think about a given webpage. Therefore, they use a simple proxy. As Madonna famously said: “ Say Anything You Like About Me, But Spell My Name Right.”

So, link the relevant content and Google will do the heavy lifting! You can link the company page or any of its subpages on your personal webpage or the webpage of your business.

Don’t you have such a page? No worries. You can also use any of your social media accounts. Especially the reputable ones, such as Medium, LinkedIn, or YouTube, are trusted by Google bots.

2. Just Recommend Them! Help a Small Business By Sharing The News About the Business and Their Content Via Social Media.

Personal recommendations always do magic. You might think of people whom you personally know and who might benefit from the company’s products or services, or who might benefit from reading or watching their content. And, simply drop them a message.

Of course, likes under the company’s content on social media and sharing their content are also helpful — perhaps even more helpful than you might think! After all, they work similarly to personal recommendations; people pay more attention to the content shared and recommended by others rather than any paid ads.

3. Drop Interesting Information, Contacts, and Info About Incoming Opportunities To The Team.

Especially if the business is based on content or research, there is never enough work to be done. If you get any hot news about the new, interesting developments and trends in the area of the market where the company operates, just share.

Furthermore, if you bump into any useful information, share with the business owners! For instance, if you entrepreneurial friend bakes cakes, and you hear about a cake baking content in town, drop them a message! Small entrepreneurs are often so busy meeting ends that they have no time left for researching extra promotion opportunities.4. Help a Small Business By Reviewing The Company Itself and Their Products Online.

4. Help a Small Business By Reviewing The Company Itself and Their Products Online.

Most companies have a Google business profile. It means that once you search them via Google, they should appear at the top of the Google search results. And then, you should have a chance to see their full address, and a chance to leave a review for their services.

In a world where every business fights to be visible and look welcoming in the Google search, it means the world to every business owner. Moreover, since Google reviews are not anonymous, they will also be notified via email about your review. Hence, your help will not go unnoticed and will definitely be remembered!

Moreover, there might be ways to leave a review of the company’s products or services. Do they sell anything through Amazon or any other platform where you might leave a review? Or perhaps, they offer some Software as a Service or any other service which you might review via TrustPilot?

5. Use The Team’s Affiliate Links.

Many small businesses take part in affiliate programs, for instance, the Amazon Associates program. Whatever you buy on Amazon using such affiliate links as a gateway, Amazon will pay the company a little commission — even if you buy yourself a product that has nothing to do with the company’s services.

6*. Just Ask Them How You Can Help!

Mind that social media lies. Small entrepreneurs usually look bigger and more successful on social media than in reality, as they believe that success attracts clients, and failure scares people away.

Entrepreneurs rarely talk about their problems, even among closest family and friends. Perhaps it is because of the toxic hustle culture and “ fake it till you make it “ rhetoric, or fear of social judgement. Therefore, instead of guessing, you can also simply ask!

Some businesses are more fragile to recession than others. For instance, if the business is dependent on other businesses that keep on raising prices, or on resources such as oil that get expensive in the crisis, it is also under the pressure to raise prices, and lose some clients.

Or, if the business produces consumer products or services that consumers tend to resign from in recession, such as expensive entertainment or customized goods.

Perhaps your entrepreneurial friend dreams of pitching their services to your employer? Perhaps they need a new website and you happen to know a graphic designer who might take care of it? Perhaps you might connect them with some podcaster who might interview them and get them some publicity? Perhaps they just need mental support and someone to talk to? You name it.

Summary: How To Help a Small Business? Be Creative!

In fact, there are unlimited ways of helping others in need. Use your creativity! Sooner or later, this effort will be paid back: karma will return and the universe will pay you back for your goodwill and readiness to help.

Also mind that entrepreneurs have a good memory for social exchange, unwritten deals, and unsolicited acts of help. This is what business is based on: comradery, brotherhood, banter. If you help them, they will also help you when the time comes.

PS: If You Would Like To Support Ontology of Value…

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Natalia’s book on Amazon:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DD7GMH4?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=welcomesoluti-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=618726605aa5365a79a0e6bdea6fc2d7&camp=1789&creative=9325 (affiliate link)

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Originally published at https://ontologyofvalue.com on August 2, 2022.



Natalia Bielczyk, PhD

A neuroscientist helping professionals in finding their dream career paths at ontologyofvalue.com Privately, enthusiast of tech with affinity to blockchains.